Regular Store Hours
Wednesdays 12-6pm
Thursdays 10-3pm
Saturdays 10-3pm
Masks required (available in-store for those without)
****Expanded Hours December 2-23, 2023**** Weds. 12-6 | Thurs. 10-6 | Fri. 12-6 | Sat. 10-5
“A New Abnormal”
“There’s a stampede on to ‘get back to normal’. To hold events in person. To have everyone decide for themselves ‘whatever you feel comfortable with’ in terms of safety. To celebrate the arrival of the ‘post-pandemic’ world.
“It isn’t real, though. Like ‘post-colonial’, it isn’t ‘post’ if it isn’t over. The actual pandemic keeps sloshing around the world like water in a bathtub when you get it rocking, rising sometimes here, sometimes there, sometimes spilling over.” (Ricardo, July 2022)
We’ve learned a lot since the COVID19 pandemic began. That includes both new things we can do to help our communities survive and thrive–as well as that some people and institutions refuse to do these things.
We are considering both those categories of lessons as we let you know the ways that our Minneapolis store is now open for in-person shopping 3 days a week. Some of you know that we’ve been quietly testing this out by opening up for some walk-in shopping already. Here’s what we’ve learned, and our continuing plan:
- Masks, air filtering, and outdoor air matter. Therefore, we will continue to require visitors to wear a mask, and our staff will do the same. We’ll continue to have air filters running. When weather permits, we’ll have the door open and posters available for browsing on the sidewalk.
- Rest and flexibility help us all stay healthy. Pre-2020, we were open 6 days a week. Now, we’re going for 3: Wednesdays 12-6pm, Thursday’s 10-3pm, and Saturdays 10-3pm. We might add other days too, or occasionally open unannounced (look for the sign on the sidewalk). And you can still order online and pick-up at our door, during these same hours.
- Staying home when sick or exposed to covid is important. We ask that you not visit the store if feeling ill or if recently exposed. Since our staff will do the same, we ask that you be patient with us if/when we have to unexpectedly be closed.
- We can build a better future through community care. This one’s about more than just us. We ask that we all recall that moment after the beginning of the pandemic, when so many people and institutions briefly took action. We can all still mask. We can all still hold events virtually/outdoors/socially distanced. We can all still make these choices individually and in our groups, to contribute to community well-being, amidst so much hardship.
We draw inspiration from Sins Invalid’s 10th principle of disability justice, Collective Liberation: “No body or mind can be left behind – only moving together can we accomplish the revolution we require.” To help keep us all together in the struggle, let’s all make choices that we now know can help limit the spread of COVID and other illnesses. This sometimes means going against the grain – but that’s what we do when we know Another World is Possible. We’ll provide some art to help find the way.
We welcome your feedback or ideas always – stop in, or email us at
Earlier notices below for transparency:
Dear Customers & Community – an update on our pickup hours, in-store shopping & COVID19, 8/11/21:
In-store shopping & COVID19: Earlier this summer, we set a goal of opening to limited in-store shopping in September. With the recent rise in COVID cases, uncertainty around the delta variant (and other variants), and continued denial of civic institutions of the fact that we’re in a plague, we have decided this was unrealistic. The health of our workers comes first, and while we’d love to see you in our shop, as a strictly non-essential business we are not going to risk it.
Pick-up hours: Currently our days for picking up orders at our shop are listed above. While we often have staff at our shop at other times – including most weekday mornings and many afternoons – recent health, family and personal issues/commitments more important than work have meant that our staff time is sometimes limited and unpredictable. We don’t want to over-promise – and we thank you for your understanding. As always, we’re happy to ship orders, and we can also arrange a “by appointment” pick up. Call as at 612-455-2242 to see if we’re at the shop, or to leave a message.
In solidarity,
–The RLM Arts Crew
The Minneapolis studio/store remains closed to in-store shopping due to COVID19. We are committed to the health of our employees and customers above all else, and so unfortunately we expect this will remain the case well into 2021.
Limited Curbside Pickup For Our Twin Cities Customers:
Local customers: We’ve heard that some of you would like to have a curbside pickup option for your orders in order to save on shipping costs and receive your art a little faster. We can now offer a limited curbside pickup option.
This curbside pickup is ONLY for orders that you have placed online and chosen “Local Pickup” (or otherwise made arrangements with our staff). We are not able to process cash or card payments in person at this time, but can accept checks.
Please wait until you receive an email or phone call that your order is ready to be picked up before coming. If you have not received a confirmation it is ready, we will probably not be able to pack it for you while you wait.
To use the curbside pick up option at 3260 Minnehaha Ave S. in Minneapolis, call us when you arrive at 612-455-2242, Extension 1, or just knock loudly if you’re on foot/bicycle. Tell us your name, Order Number, and (if you’re driving) your vehicle. We’ll hand you your items with a smile on underneath our mask.
Our physical location in Minneapolis remains closed and all of us have been taking precautions to keep our store and inventory clean, and ourselves and our community safer, by limiting contact and doing social distancing to “flatten the curve.”
We thank you for your patience and support as we abide by the state of Minnesota’s current restrictions in order to keep our community safer.
For questions about orders, payment, to reach Ricardo, or for any other reason, emailing is likely to get a quicker response than calling. See our contact information here.
If you’re interested in supporting us now and getting art later – we’ve recently launched the option to purchase E-Gift Cards – you can get one here.
We want to keep spreading art for hope, healing and hellraising during this crisis – and will continue to do so online and by mail. But for now, putting people over profits means scaling back our physical operations, and joining our community to #StayAtHome whenever possible.
In solidarity and social distancing,
The RLM Arts Crew (Elaine, Jaime, Jeff, Ricardo, Rowan & Sheila)